Bus Lines

Public transportation Service Please use the following Bus lines:

From Bus Line (including taxi service)
Central Bus Station 37a 191 192
Central Train20 Station 37a 191 192
Hof HaCarmel Train Station 46
Ahuza 30 37a 191 19220 (24)
Danya 37a 46 191 192 24
Hadar 37a 24 36
Merkaz Ha’Carmel 30 37a 191 192
Shprintsak Indirect service
Neve Sha’anan 36
Ramat Golda 24 30 37a 46 19120 192
Ramat Almogi 24 30 37a 46 191 19220
Ramot Sapir Indirect service
Izraelia 36
Ramot Remez 141
Carmel Zorfati 30
Downtown 37a 191 192
Usfiye 192
Kibbutz Bet Oren 191
M. Hamifratz 141 171
Nazareth 332
Kiryat Tivon 332
Naharyia 271

To Haifa Central Bus Station You can use the following Bus lines:

From Bus Line (including taxi service)
Acre 251 252 271 272 262 261 50020 362
Ben Gurion Airport 947 962
Netanya 947 945
Karmiel 362 500 262 261
Naharia 271 272
Netanya 947 945
Tel Aviv 900 980 90120 904*

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