Masters Degree Study Departments
Master’s degree in Computer Sciences
The Department of Computer Science in the University of Haifa combines world-class research with excellence in teaching. The Master’s degree program trains students to conduct groundbreaking research in a variety of computer science fields, such as: Development and application of algorithms, computerized learning, information security, computational biology, computerized vision, artificial intelligence, theory of computer science.
Studies are in a thesis track and a non-thesis track.
Please note: Starting in the academic year 2022/2023, the studies will be held on the City Campus (located in the down town, Port Street).
Graduates with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or in a close field of specialization – with a grade point average of 85
Approval of the Departmental Committee.
Additional details can be found on the department’s website
Master’s degree studies in a research track and a non-research track.
Employment options after graduation: Graduates with a Master’s degree fill key R&D positions in high-tech industries. Upon completing the Master’s degree studies, students can continue to doctoral studies in Computer Science.